The latest article about the cooperation of Hofer and in Biene Aktiell of December 2017:

HOFER STATTET BIENENHOTEL IN SATTLEDT MIT EINER HOCHMODERNEN BIENENWAAGE AUS Seit dem Start des Bienenschwerpunkts im Jahr 2013 ist Hofer bestrebt, jedes Jahr em n neues Projekt far den Schutz der Bienen zu realisieren. In diesem Jahr gibt es eine besondere Neuerung ffir das Bienenhotel: Das Zuhause der Bienen erhalt eine Bienenwaage des Start -Ups […]

Read more Pilot – NH Hotel

We are so proud to announce is now monitoring bees on the roof of NH Hotel at Mariahilfer Straße 32. Guests (and enthusiastic staff members) of the NH Hotel can not only look at the busy bees through the window but also see live data from the hotel’s monitored beehive and learn amazing facts […]

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CeBIT: Narrowband radio combats bee mortality –

NB-IoT transmits sensor data straight from the beehive to the beekeeper’s cell phone Digitization can make an important contribution to ensuring the survival of the species Bee mortality also an issue in CeBIT partner country Japan Timotheus Höttges, Chief Executive Officer of Deutsche Telekom, is today presenting to Chancellor Angela Merkel, as part of her […]

Read more – Save the bees, save the world! aims to help beekeepers overcome the traditional challenges of beekeeping, by providing beekeepers with technological assistance. Their smart monitoring system for beehives consists of a microprocessor unit for measuring all significant parameters related to beekeeping. Additionally, the data collected by “Babymonitor” for bees are processed via data mining techniques to answer important scientific questions. […]

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WARP takmičenje

Najbolji od najboljih      Na kraju WARP-a se održalo i startap takmičenje timova koji su učestvovali u programu. Tri najbolja startapa su dobila Amazon Cloud Servis Paket u vrijednosti od po 5.000 USD, a prvoplasirani i priliku da se predstave investitorima na glavnom hub:raum Krakov WARP događaju.    Treće mjesto je osvojila ekipa ArchiHub […]

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Prvi intervju

Ispratite naš prvi intervju… 1. StartUp u Crnoj Gori. Koliko je teško biti dio te priče u našoj državi? Elma: Teško možemo mi pricati o tome jer smo na samom početku našeg startapa. Kolege koje su već pokrenuli svoj startap u Crnoj Gori su podijelili svoje iskustvo, na osnovu toga samo shvatili da je ovo […]

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Kako je sve počelo?

     Dva studenta magistarskih studija na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Podgorici su željela da znanja stečena tokom studiranja primjene u praksi i tako počinje njihovo interesovanje za pčelarstvo. Tim trenutno čine Elma Hot i Alija Dervić. Alija je angažovan na naučno-istraživačkom projektu fakulteta BIO-ICT. Elma pripravnički obavlja takođe na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu. Željeli su da naprave pametnu vagu kako bi […]

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