aims to help beekeepers overcome the traditional challenges of beekeeping, by providing beekeepers with technological assistance. Their smart monitoring system for beehives consists of a microprocessor unit for measuring all significant parameters related to beekeeping. Additionally, the data collected by “Babymonitor” for bees are processed via data mining techniques to answer important scientific questions. differentiation is unique capability of analytics from monitoring data which will provide an interest to beekeepers by: planning visits when they are needed, also the beekeeper can simply deploy more beehives with the same labor; loss of colonies can be avoided; less supply usage by early detection of problems; detection/alarming of stolen beehives.

One thought on “ – Save the bees, save the world!

  • Thomas Floreck

    Hi, I’m very interested in your project. is it possible to use your solution right now or is it future music? How will it works? Is it possible to get more information about the technical parts?


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